B2B social media marketing map
Tuesday, 25 August, 2009
Jason Ball in advertising, demand generation, inspiration, marketing, social media, strategy

Over the last couple of weeks, I've been working with my colleague Alison Man to produce an at-a-glance map outlining some of the main options B2B marketers face in using social media to engage their audiences.

And now, cue fanfare, it's ready. Woo-hoo!

You can download a groovy hyperlinked PDF version here. Feel free to share it too.

And this is where you come in – what have we missed that really should have been on there? We're looking for those forehead-slapping suggestions that'll make us go Doh! and then scrabble to produce version 2. Ideally, we'd like them before 24th September when Banner is hosting a social media huddle at their new offices (BTW if you're a technology marketer and interested in attending, email steven@b1.com and you could grab one of the last remaining places).

Article originally appeared on Specialist B2B copywriter and content strategist | Twelfth Day ~ 12thday.co.uk (http://www.12thday.co.uk/).
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